

  北京外国语大学国际教育学院(Graduate School of Education,BFSU)的前身是北京外国语大学教育学院,初设于2015年。根据北京外国语大学向国际化、重特色、高水平、综合型世界一流外国语大学迈进的总体要求和发展规划,2018年4月,学校决定将教育学院更名重组为国际教育学院,于2018年5月25日正式揭牌成立。北京外国语大学特聘教授秦惠民博士担当首任院长。












  Introduction to Graduate School of Education,BFSU

  The Graduate School of Education(GSE)of Beijing Foreign Studies University(BFSU),formerly known as the Institute of Education,was founded in 2015.With progressing to a world-class foreign studies university as its goal,while still firmly focusing on foreign language and culture education,the university sets out to form a more internationalized,distinctive,high-level and comprehensive discipline layout.As an important part of the overall plan of the university,in April 2018,the Institute of Education was reorganized and renamed as the Graduate School of Education.It was officially inaugurated on May 25,2018.Dr.QIN Huimin,a distinguished professor of BFSU,served as the first dean.

  On May 6,2019,BFSU was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to grant master’s degrees in Education.In September 2020,GSE welcomed its first 18 students,which marked the beginning of teaching and learning for the discipline of Education in BFSU.In June 2022,Global Education and Culture,a BFSU independently developed doctoral program,was approved and filed by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council.

  Under the overall plan of the university and its commitment to global language,global culture and global governance,the discipline of Education,in terms of teaching and learning as well as research,is placed in a worldwide scenario.GSE currently provides five master programs and two doctoral programs.For master’students,there are Comparative Education,Higher Education,Technical and Vocational Education,Curriculum and Pedagogy,and Educational Technology.For doctoral students,GSE offers programs on Comparative Education,along with Higher Education and Law and Policy.

  GSE prioritizes Comparative Education and attaches importance to Higher Education.At the same time,it emphasizes Education Law and Policy,Technical and Vocational Education,and International Education.GSE stays focused,pools resources,utilizes its advantages to promote orderly and distinctive discipline development and graduates training.

  Carrying out research and international exchanges,building the teaching workforce and providing service to community are all important work GES has been doing and will continue to do.

  GSE is building on the legacy of BFSU to blaze new trails.The legacy of BFSU includes its long history,foreign language education and country-specific research.By giving full play to these traditions,GSE has promoted cross-cultural education and multicultural exchanges,and gradually formed its own development advantages and characteristics.

  For discipline development,GSE is establishing a new academic platform and subject-oriented architecture to attract and build a strong teaching and research team.Team members have complimentary focused research areas,diverse academic backgrounds,cross-cultural communication and cooperation capabilities,and continuous innovative skills.GSE aims to build an academic entity that is both different from the rest of BFSU yet fits well into its whole academic community.

  For graduate training,GSE highlights international training,implements bilingual teaching,and seeks cooperation with stakeholders in both China and rest of the world.

  Since GSE is research-oriented,academic study is its main domain of work.GSE strives to identify new research questions,take interdisciplinary approaches,and produce high quality and innovative research findings.

  GSE currently has a vigorous and energetic teaching and research team.The team has 23 full-time and 2 part-time educators;among the full-time educators,there are 5 professors,5 associate professors,and 13 lecturers.All of them hold PhD degrees from prestigious universities(e.g.,Peking University;Tsinghua University;Renmin University of China;Beijing Normal University;Beihang University;Ontario Institute of Education;Halle-Wittenberg University,Germany;University of Hong Kong;Chinese University of Hong Kong;Education University of Hong Kong),and some of them are experienced researchers having work histories at the China Academy of Educational Sciences or the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences.

  Through high quality discipline development,graduate training,research and social service,GSE is forming a unique education brand and well-received social influence.
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