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  The University ofWestern Australia

  澳大利亚西澳大学 (The Universityof Western Australia)是西澳洲最古老和最出名的大学之一,著名的顶尖八校集团(GROUP OF EIGHT)成员之一。该大学校园被誉为“澳大利亚最美丽的大学”。2022年QS世界大学排名第93位。在信息技术、通讯与计算机科学、国际管理与贸易研究等领域具有雄厚的科研实力。其商学院获国际商学院协会(AACSB)与欧洲质量改进体系(EQUIS) 认证。

  The University of Western Australia is a research-intensive university and is part of the internationallyrecognized Group of Eipht, Known as the most beautiful campus in Australia, it is ranked top 93in 2022 0s World UniversityRankings with especially strong research strength in information Technology, Communication and Computer Science aswell as international Management and Trade Research. its Business School is accredited by both the European QualityImprovement System (EQUiS) and Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).


  University of Technology Sydney

  澳大利亚悉尼科技大学 (University ofTechnology Sydney)是一所以商、法、教育、科技为主的综合性大学,澳大利亚名校之一。产学研高度融合,以与行业和产业的紧密联系而闻名于世。在2022年0S世界大学排名第133位,澳大利亚第9.被评为世界五星级高校,位居QS世界年轻大学(建校历史短于50年的大学)排名全球第11.全澳第1.2021年毕业生就业率全球第64位。

  University ofTechnology Sydney is a dynamic and innovative university in central Sydney. Beingone of Australia' s leading universities, University of Technology Sydney has a distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a leading reputation for engagement with industry and the professions. University of Technology Sydneyis ranked lst in Australia and top 11 globally in 2022 0s Top 50 under 50 and ranked top 133 in 2022 0s World UniversityRankings.lts graduate employment rate is ranked top 64 worldwide in 2021.


  University of Exeter

  英国埃克赛特大学(University of Exeter)是英国百年名校,世界一流的研究型大学,为数不多的获得全国教学卓越框架金奖的英国“常青藤联盟”一罗素大学集团(罗素盟校)的成员之一。2022泰晤士报大学排名全英第 14.卫报排名全英第15.在英国每年学生满意度调查中,埃克塞特大学始终保持领先地位。埃克塞特大学与上百家全球、全英及当地企业有优越业界联系,所有学位课程都注重培养学生专业就业能力。埃克塞特大学各校区在科学技术、工程、数学、医药以及人文等领域均配备顶级的教学科研设施和实验室设备。

  University of Exeter is a world-leading research-intensive university, it is also one of the very few universities to beboth a member of the Russell Group and have a Gold award from the Teaching Excellence framework (TEf), ranking Top 14in the TIMES 2022 and Top 15 in the GUARDIAN 2022. University of Exeter has always been among the leaders for studentsatisfaction in the National Student Survey. University of Exeter has superb links with hundreds of international, nationaand regional employers with modules on employability are included in all degree programs.University of Exeter hasexcellent teaching and research facilities and laboratories for science,technology, engineering, mathematics and medicineas well as humanities and science across all ofthe campuses.


  University of Wollongong

  澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University ofWollongong)是一所以教育、工程、科技、商学、自然科学为主的综合性大学,其信息技术、计算机科学、工程学领域代表全澳顶尖水平。世界大学综合排名前1%,科研实力前1%。澳大利亚伍伦贡大学2022年0S世界大学排名第193位,其中工程与信息科学学院是“澳洲八大工程联盟”之一,代表了澳洲工程最高水平,在2020泰晤士学科排名中名列全球91.被评为“五星级优秀大学”,是全球现代化程度最高的大学之一。

  The University ofWollongong ranks among the top 19% of universities in the world with an enviable record of achievement in teaching and research. University ofWollongong is ranked top 193 in 2022 0s World University Rankings. TheSchool of Engineering and information Science represents the highest level of engineering in Australia, ranking top 9iglobally in the 2020 THE discipline rankings. it is also rated as a five-star university and ranked as one oftheworld's best modern universities.


  Queen's University Belfast

  英国女王大学(Queen's University Belfast)建于1845年,是英国历史最悠久的九所大学之一,是有“英国常春藤”之称的英国名校联盟罗素大学集团成员之一,在1908年获得皇家特许证书。2022年泰晤士英国大学排名第24位。学生就业率排名全英前十,毕业生在当地百强企业的80家公司中担任高级领导职务。

  Queen's University Belfast is a UK Top 10 research-intensive university. it is the 9th oldest University in the UK and amember of the Russell Group.Queen's University Belfast is ranked Top 24 Best Universities in Uk in the Times 2022. Queen'sUniversity Belfast's graduate employment rate is ranked Top 10 in Uk with graduates employed in senior leadershippositions by80 ofthe Top 100 companies in Northern lreland.

  英国拉夫堡大学Loughborough University

  英国拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)是英国百年名校和顶尖高等学府之一,以卓越的教学科研实力、与企业和行业的紧密联系以及无与伦比的体育成就闻名。7次获得英国大学最高荣誉奖--英国女王年度奖,获奖次数仅次于牛津大学。2022年泰晤士英国大学排名第10位,2021年卫报英国大学排名第10位。拉夫堡大学秉承与工商企业长期紧密合作的传统,提供世界一流水平、以社会需求为导向的尖端科研和教学课程。作为2012年伦敦奥运会和残奥会会场,拥有一流水准的运动和休闲设施

  Founded in 1909. Loughborough University is one of UK's leading universities, with a reputation for excellence inteaching and research, strong links with business and industry and unrivalled sporting achievement. it has been awarded 7Queen's Anniversary Prizes, second only to Oxford.lt is ranked top 10 Best Universities in Uk in the Times 2022 and top 10 inthe Guardian 2022. Loughborough University is well known for the breadth of research partnerships and long-standingcollaborative links with various business organizations, offering, world-class cutting-edge research and teachingprogrammes driven by society's need for solutions to real-life issues. lt is also the Home of the 2012 London Olympic andParalympic Games with exceptional sports and leisure facilities.


  Heriot-Watt University

  英国赫瑞-瓦特大学 (Heriot-Watt University)建校于1821年,是全球第一所机械工程学院,其近两百年的教育和科研历史成果对世界产生重大的社会影响。在全球范围内有五个校区,分别位于英国爱丁堡、奥克尼、苏格兰边境、迪拜和马来西亚。英国赫瑞一瓦特大学是一所集传统教育与充满活力的现代化发展与研究相结合的综合性的研究型大学,多个学科科研受政府和工业界的大力支持,在英国享有极高的声誉。英国赫瑞一瓦特大学为学生提供完善的现代化的教学、科研和生活设施。

  The heritage of Heriot-Watt University dates back to 182l with the establishment of the world's first MechanicsInstitute. its nearly 200 years’ history of education and innovative research has a profound social impact on a world stage.Heriot-Watt University has five campuses across the world: Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, Orkney, Dubai and Malaysia. Heriot.Watt University is a comprehensive research university that combines traditional education with dynamic moderndevelopment and research. it enjoys a high reputation in the UK for its outstanding achievements in multiple disciplinesThe University's scientific research activities are strongly supported by the government and industry, Heriot-Watt Universityprovides students with complete and modern teaching,research and living facilities.


  电巴起 进

  University of Dundee

  英国邓迪大学(University of Dundee)始创立于 1881 年,是一座坐落于英国邓迪市的世界一流的著名研究型大学。QS 世界大学综合排名前1%精英大学,世界高校科研影响力Top100.科研水平在欧洲以及全球有着极高的声誉,连续六年(2010-2016)苏格兰大学满意度第一,并获得 2020 年泰晤士星期日报年度学生最佳体验大学。邓迪大学在许多领域具有世界一流水平,其中最为突出的学科领域包括:生命科学、医学、教育学、计算机、金融、会计、法律、建筑、艺术与设计、机械工程等。

  Founded in 1881. University of Dundee is a world-class research university located in Dundee, Uk. As the top 1%prestigious university based on Qs World University Ranking and top 100th in terms ofscientific research influence of worlduniversities, University of Dundee has a high reputation in Europe and the world in terms of scientific research level. For sixconsecutive years (2010-2016), University of Dundee has been ranked lst in student satisfaction and won the best studentexperience University in Sunday Times 2020. University of Dundee has a world-class level in many fields, among which themost prominent disciplines include Life Science, Medicine, Education, Computer, finance, Accounting, Law, ArchitectureArt and Design, MechanicalEngineering, etc.


  University ofEssex

  英国埃塞克斯大学(UniversityofEssex)建校于 1964年,位处英格兰东部地区,拥有科尔切斯特、绍森德和劳顿三大校区。作为世界顶尖大学,埃塞克斯大学是一所全英教学质量(TEF 全英最高金奖)和综合科研实力(REF 全英前20)的“双一流”高校,更是英格兰一所公立研究型大学,一所国际化程度极高的大学,大学的国际化视野位居全球第22位(THE2021),全球147多个国家的学生和教师齐聚在埃塞克斯大学。

  The University of Essex (lies on Eastern England) is a public research university, established in 1964 with threecampuses in Colchester, Southend and Loughton, The University of Essex is a world-leading university with excellence inboth teaching quality (TEF Gold Award) and research competence (REf top 20 in UK 2014 ). As an international university,The University of Essex has students and academic staff from more than 147 different countries, ranked 22nd forinternational outlook in the THE Rankings 2021.

  美国密苏里科技大学MissouriUniversity ofscience and Technology

  美国密苏里科技大学 (Missouri University of Science and Technology)是集土木、电子、机械、化工等多学科于一体的综合性大学,办学历史悠久,科研实力雄厚,其毕业生起薪待遇位居美国中西部大学第一。2016年被《美国新闻》评为“全美最佳院校”和“全美最佳公立大学”。其商学院是全球仅有5%的获得国际高等商业学会认证的商学院之一,为学生提供体验式学习和培养高级商界精英为导向的商科专业。

  Missouri University of Science and Technology is ranked one of the Best Colleges and top 100 Public Universities in theUnited States (U.s. News 2016). With a long history and strong scientific research strength, it is the top one in Middle West ofUS for the best starting salary of graduates. Being one of the 5% business schools in the world with AAcSB accreditation, itoffers students experiential learning and enterprise-oriented business programs.


  英国哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield) 是一所公立综合性大学学校,拥有世界一流水平研究中心,是全英第一所全体教职员工都获得了英国高等教育委员会“研究院资格”评定的大学。学校为学生提供的三明治课程排名全英前五。其法律、建筑学、心理学、药学、会计学、化学、工程和计算机类专业获得专业机构认证,商科类课程获得皇家管理协会、皇家人力资源管理师协会、APM和IDM等专业协会认证。一直被全英国高等教育质量保证委员会列为教育质量最佳大学。

  With world-class centers of research excellence and specialist facilities, the University of Huddersfield isa comprehensive public university, which is UK's first university where 10096 of permanent teaching stalf have beeraccredited by the Higher Education Academy of UK, offering Uk's Top 5 'sandwich courses'to students. it has gotprofessional accreditation in courses like Law, Architecture, Psychology, Pharmacy, Accountancy, Chemistry, Engineeringand Computing and CMl, ClPD, APM and iDM accreditation in Business Studies. University of Huddersfield has been rankedas the best quality university by the UK Quality Assurance Agencyof Higher Education.


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