

时间:2024-05-17 10:47:53我要咨询
  Tianjin Foreign Studies University

  International Admission for 2024 for International Business Master program (International Management) taught in English

  一、  项目介绍及项目亮点

  Program Introduction and Highlights

  Ø  国际商务(国际管理方向)项目旨于培养具有较高的中文、英语语言技能、厚实的国际商务相关专业知识、具有较强的跨文化交际能力的高端国际商务人才。项目自2024年9月开始,学制为2.5年。

  The International Business (International Management) program aims to cultivate high-level international business professionals with strong proficiency in both Chinese and English language skills, solid knowledge in international business-related disciplines, and strong cross-cultural communication abilities. The study duration is 2 to 2.5 years, starting from September 2024.

  Ø  所有课程为英文授课,使用全英文课本。项目主要课程包含:管理学、经济学、金融、中国商务文化、会计学、人力资源管理、跨文化沟通、中国经济等。

  All the courses in the program are taught in English and the textbooks are in English. Main courses include management, economics, International finance, Chinese Business Culture, accounting, HR management, cross-cultural communication, Chinese economy, etc.

  Ø  教学助理职位: 优秀的申请者可申请教学助理职位,每月补助范围从1600到4800人民币,每周教学时间为2至8小时。

  Teaching assistantship: excellent applicants can apply for Teaching Assistantship with a monthly subsidy ranging from 1600 to 4800 RMB, teaching for 2 to 8 hours per week.

  二、  奖学金资助 Scholarship


  Students can apply for the sponsorship of Tianjin Government Scholarship to join the program.

  奖学金具体信息如下: The scholarship information is as follows,

  1. 一等奖学金


  硕士生: 1700元/月

  First Prize Scholarship coverage

  Tuition fee, comprehensive medical insurance for the first year, and monthly stipend for 10 months.

  Stipend: 1700 RMB per month

  2. 二等奖学金 资助一年学费。

  Second Prize Scholarship coverage

  Tuition fee for one year.

  三、  申请时间  When to apply?


  March to May, 2024. Applicants should apply to the International Admission Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Division of Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

  四、  申请条件 Eligibility

  1. 申请人应具有学士学位或相当学历,年龄在35周岁以下;

  3. 申请人语言水平要求:英文授课项目申请者需达到雅思6.0(含)或托福 80分(含)以上或同等语言水平。母语为英语的申请者无需提供证明。

  1. Applicants must have a bachelor degree and be under the age of 35;

  2. Language requirements:, applicants must reach IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80 or the equivalent English level recognized by Tianjin Foreign Studies University ( Native speakers of English do not need to provide English proficiency certificate.)

  3. Applicants have not obtained any other scholarship in the same year.

  五、申请流程   Application procedure

  1. 申请者在我校申请网站申请,填写信息并提交材料,完成申请;(http://tfsu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx)。 申请时,请注意招生类别选择“天津市政府奖学金”,入学年份须选择“2024年秋季”。

  2. 申请材料初审合格者需要参加学校组织的面试及笔试;

  3. 学校为获得奖学金的申请者发放签证申请材料(录取通知书及JW202表)。

  1. Applicants need to register and apply at our online application system. Fill out all the required information and upload the documents. (http://tfsu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx)

  When applying, please make sure to choose “Tianjin Government Scholarship”and “2024 Autumn semester”。

  2. Applicants who pass application documents review need to attend the interview and exam organized by the university.

  3. The university will issue the visa application documents (Admission notice and Jw202 form) to those who win the scholarship.

  六、奖学金申请材料  Application documents

  1. 有效护照首页扫描件(有效期至2024年12月1日后);

  2. 经过公证的最高学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书;


  3. 经过公证的最高学历阶段完整成绩单;

  4. 两名副教授以上推荐信;

  5. 外国人体格检查表;(见附件)

  6. 无犯罪记录证明;

  7. 语言能力证明材料;

  8. 银行出具的资金证明(不少于人民币4万元,如开户人非学生本人,另需提供开户人签字的资助证明);

  9. 截至2024年9月1日仍未满18周岁的申请人,需提交由天津地区公证处出具的监护人公证书原件,监护人须为天津常住户籍居民或在津工作;

  10. 其他补充材料,如各类获奖证书等。


  1. A photocopy of passport that will not expire on or before October 1st, 2024.

  2. A photocopy of the applicant’s highest notarized degree.

  Prospective diploma recipients must submit official document issued by the current school to prove the current student status and expected graduation date.

  3. Academic transcripts of the highest degree received.

  4. Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English from professors. 5. Physical Examination Record for Foreigner (See attachment)

  6. Non-Criminal Record

  7. Language proficiency certificate.

  8. Bank statement (No less than 40,000 RMB. If the account is not under student’s name, the bank holder needs to provide a signed sponsorship letter.)

  9. Application under 18 years old till September 1st, 2024 needs to provide a Guardianship certificate offered by local Tianjin citizen or someone who has been working in Tianjin.

  10. Other supporting documents.

  All the documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

  七、评审办法  Evaluation


  The school establishes assessment working groups and scholarship review committees. The working groups discuss and propose evaluation suggestions, which are then approved by the school to finalize the list of scholarship candidates. After the assessment results are publicly posted within the school, they are submitted to the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission for final evaluation.

  八、其他  Others






  1. Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be processed. Once it is verified that the application materials are found fraudulent or non-personal submission, the application qualification will be cancelled.

  2. Scholarship winners who cannot register on time due to special cases must inform the school of the reasons within 15 days before registration. The scholarship will be cancelled if one fails to register on time without reasons, pass the physical examination, drop out or suspend schooling.

  3. At registration, the school will review the applicant's information and documents. In case of violation or fraud, once verified, the school will cancel the admission qualification.

  4.  At registration, please bring the Admission Notice, the Visa application for Study in China (JW202 form), the original application materials (original graduation certificate and complete transcripts) and the originals of all physical examination materials.

  According to the regulations of the school, students must live in the international student dormitory in the University.
电话预约或【在线报名】 入学测试 录取 入学报到手续 正式开学




